Thursday, February 16, 2017

Dynamic Programmatic af:table with inputText boxes ADF using SortableModel


Why do we need process update in VCL?
What happens when immediate property set to TRUE for a input component where other input components in the same Panel Form are required?

What is the use of clientComponent for an inputText component?
How do you get the value of a component using component ID in a bean?

“partialTargets” vs “partialTriggers”

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How to define & use EO Custom Properties ADF

  • Define the custom property under Entity Object's Attribute
  • Define Entity Definition Class 
  • Override resolveDefObject() method and set Property Expression for the attribute where the CP was defined
  • Refer the custom property as #{bindings.namOfTheAttibute.hints.nameOfTheCustomProperty}